Monday, January 12, 2009

Waterless Urinals at ALD!

One big accomplishment this month will be the installation of the waterless urinals district-wide (in ALD-owned facilities).

  • We will have 13 total waterless urinals; 4 at SM, 3 at KO, 2 at CW, 2 at Admin, and 2 at PF.

  • Each will help save about 40,000 gallons per year for a total of 520,000 gallons of water.

  • Rough savings in dollar figures about $16,318. This does not include sewer consumption.

  • Rebate for each urinal is $50 from Denver Water for a total of $650.00.

Here is a picture for those of you who may not be making it in to the men's rooms at these facitlities! There is also an accompanying plaque with the urinals that says our facility is committed to protecting and preserving the environment, and more information about the urinal.

Yay for another step forward for ALD!

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