Just a reminder to make sure and recycle your recyclables!
- The tall "slim jims" are lined with clear liners (to differentiate from the black trash can liners) and these should be used for bottles, cans and the like. You do NOT need to rinse items you are placing in these lined containers!!
- The smaller, unlined recycle bins are for items like paper, cardboard and other CLEAN recyclables.
Try to keep paper and paper products clean by not placing your wet or dirty items in the same bin. Use the lined bins for those items.
Can I recycle???
- Mail? With a window? Glossy? YES YES YES!
- Paper with staples in it? YES!
- Styrofoam? Sorry, NO!
- Post-Its? YES!
- Rubber bands? Sorry, NO!
- Cardboard from my frozen meal? YES (if it's clean)
- Milk carton? YES!
- Paper towel? Sorry, NO!
- Colored paper? YES!
- 3-ring binder? Sorry, NO!
- Yogurt container? YES!
- #6 plastic? YES (any #plastic can be placed in the bin)
Remember, our recycling company does a lot of the work for us in determining what they actually are able to recycle!
For a more-detailed list, see the B&G staffnet page here!
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