Facilities is purchasing a "Premium Bulb Eater" (yes that is what it's called) for, as they say, "The safe, efficient way to recycle fluorescent lamps." The Bulb Eater (which we'll have to come up with a name for) crushes fluorescent lamps into 100% recyclable material and captures over 99.99% of the vapors released!
This guy (or girl) can hold up to 1350 4 foot bulbs. You can also feed it about 20 lamps per minute, but that depends on who's doing the feeding (oh and how hungry he is). Once the drum is full, a recycling truck comes and picks up the drum to properly recycle the used product.
One bulb eater will be purchased and be stored centrally at the Administration building.
Now, here is what The Bulb Eater really looks like:
cute title and pic for this story - never knew such a thing existed - yea for going greener yet!
When this is up and running is this something that could be offered to the staff?
What if once a month or once a quarter we could bring to our libraries any fluorescent bulbs we have to recycle and the District will recycle them for us. Fluorescent bulbs are not something easily put in home recycling bins.
Pamela B.
That's a great question Pam.
We must accommodate the district facilities first..
The bulb eater 55 gallon container can hold up to 1300 used bulbs. We estimate that we may use this much for a year. Because there is a fee of almost $250.00 for each pickup I’m not sure that we can accommodate other lights that are not district use.
Thanks for asking!
If you are interested in the Bulb Eater find out more by visiting Air Cycle's website. You can also see some cool videos here and check out their blog at blog.aircycle.com.
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