Friday, November 7, 2008

60 Minutes Exposes Toxic E-waste

60 Minutes corresondent Scott Pelley and crew went to China to investigate illegal smuggling of "E-waste (electronic waste)." Pelley's investigation will be broadcast this Sunday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

Blurbs from the article posted on

60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley and crew got roughed up at a Chinese dump while working on a story on toxic electronic waste.

E-waste workers in Guiyu, China, where Pelley's team videotaped, put up with the dangerous conditions for the $8 a day the job pays.

"We throw out about 130,000 computers every day in the United States...we throw out over 100 million cell phones every year," says Hershkowitz. A great deal of this American e-waste winds up in places like Guiyu. In fact, even some companies promising to recycle it safely will illegally export it, as 60 Minutes reveals.

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